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- BlackBerry Needs To Open Up Over The Air (OTA) App Installs on BlackBerry 10
I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine last week and it struck a chord. One of the decisions BlackBerry made with the PlayBook and then BlackBerry 10 was to limit app installs to BlackBerry World and remove the OTA (Over the Air) browser installation method BlackBerry had supported for years. At the time BlackBerry claimed they made this change due to developers requesting a single app store. At the time this was not a bad idea and might not have been such a pain point if BlackBerry had greatly improved the feature set of BlackBerry World. Sadly that never happened and BlackBerry 10 users and developers now sit in a situation where we had more features and flexibility on BlackBerry's legacy platform than we have now.
It has been over 2 years since the PlayBook first launched killing off BlackBerry Over The Air downloads on the QNX platform. So far this has forced us to sacrifice the following features that we either had on BlackBerry's legacy platform or through third party app stores like Mobihand:
- No Coupon codes – This seems to be coming some time in the future but we had this on Mobihand YEARS ago.
- No EASY way for developers or even BlackBerry to beta test software – Forcing users to sideload apps (even official ones like BBM Channels)
- No Gift Cards or ability to send a BlackBerry World gift
- Very limited descriptions for apps – They cannot even use bullet points
- Low resolution screenshots
- No ability to embed rich content like video trailers of the app
- Useless review system that is constantly gamed by certain shady developers and does not allow developers to respond and resolve reviews.
- No recommendation system – Even something as simple as similar apps or apps that other users installed that also have an app.
- Snail paced rollout system that takes over a day for all users to get an update
- Ridiculously long approval process that can take up to weeks
- No visible change log unless you already have the app installed
- the list goes on…
Most of these issues could easily be solved by the BlackBerry World development team. Sadly it has been years and we are only just barely starting to scratch the surface of what BlackBerry 7 and Mobihand were able to do ages ago. These are not unreasonable requests and I am absolutely shocked that it has taken BlackBerry so long to implement something as simple as coupon codes. We are not talking about innovative features. These are features that are considered elementary on any other app store.
That is why I propose an interim solution until the BlackBerry World team gets their house in order. BlackBerry should allow for over the air downloads on BlackBerry 10. This should include the ability to do an OTA install of both BlackBerry 10 BAR files AND Android APK files. While I realize this does open up a security risk this is no different than what users are already doing by mass sideloading applications. BlackBerry even advocates a form of sideloading for official apps like BBM Channels which makes me wonder if we cannot just skip the convoluted step altogether.
In one fell swoop BlackBerry could solve quite a bit of the "App Gap" on BlackBerry 10 by opening up what is now limited to users who have gone through the pain of sideloading an app. We already know that it is VERY easy for BlackBerry to be able to allow OTA application installation from a technical standpoint since we already have apps like LocalBar that simply fool BlackBerry 10 into thinking the app was sideloaded. I realize that this may lead to piracy but I have heard quite a few solutions proposed by devs that would be relatively easy to implement.
Personally I would rather BlackBerry World team just started kicking ass and taking names but so far they have been one of the worst offenders when it comes to holding back the capabilities of BlackBerry 10. That is why I propose BlackBerry open up OTA downloads and bypass what I consider to be a horrible excuse for an app store in 2013.
What do you think?
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | BlackBerry Needs To Open Up Over The Air (OTA) App Installs on BlackBerry 10
Переслать - Facebook Released for Legacy Devices in Beta Zone
BlackBerry has updated their Facebook app for legacy devices this week in the Beta Zone. The new update adds the ability to filter news feeds along with a new look and feel for user profiles and photo tags in news feeds. BlackBerry was even kind enough to include a full change log:
Newsfeed Filtering: Filter your newsfeed using a quick access filtering button found in the Navigation List.
Newsfeed Filtering Options:
- Show all: Select this option to remove all filters and display all News Feed posts retrieved from Facebook sorted by most recent.
- Status Updates: Select this filter to only display News Feed posts containing status updates.
- A post that appears with this filter applied can include links and tagged users but NOT photo uploads.
- Photos: Select this filter to only display News Feed posts containing photo uploads.
- A post that appears with this filter applied will NOT contain status updates or links.
- Links: Select this filter to only display News Feed posts containing marked hyperlinks.
- A post that appears with this filter applied can include status updates as well as links but NOT photo uploads.
New look and feel for your User Profile:
- Ability to view Cover Photo (*setting Cover Photo not part of this release)
- Larger Profile image
- New more actions button (*only available when viewing another user’s profile)
- User can set profile image from BlackBerry menu key when their picture is selected from their photo album
Ability to view multiple photo tags in News Feed:
- Profile names for up to 2 tagged people will be displayed
- For three or more tagged people, the number of people will be displayed
You can find the new Facebook in the Beta Zone here
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | Facebook Released for Legacy Devices in Beta Zone
Переслать - WWE Brings Loads Of Content to BlackBerry 10 With a Native App
WWE has joined the native BlackBerry 10 app community with their new app. Their app brings the latest WWE content to the BlackBerry Z10, Q10, and Q5 which is nice. Best of all they will soon allow you to purchase WWE pay per view and sync your purchases in the app. For now the app takes you into Monday Night Raw, Wednesday Night Main Event and Friday Night SmackDown live from your phone along with other content.
The new WWE app is a pretty slick offering. If you are a fan I recommend picking it up free in BlackBerry World.
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | WWE Brings Loads Of Content to BlackBerry 10 With a Native App
Переслать - MTV News Makes its Way Onto BlackBerry 10 in the US (Native)
I thought MTV News was an oxymoron but that has not stopped them from releasing a sweet native app. The app is available now for the Z10, Q10, and Q5 but sadly is US only for now. The app gives you access to the latest pop culture news all the time including videos, articles, and more.
Features include:
- Exclusive Videos, updated throughout the day from everywhere MTV News has access.
- Articles by categories, Customize with My News to get just the stories on celebs you care about.
- MTV News, Shows, Music, Movies, and Gaming Blogs.
- Exclusive celeb photos from MTV events and beyond.
Check out the MTV News app free in BlackBerry World.
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | MTV News Makes its Way Onto BlackBerry 10 in the US (Native)
Переслать - Anomaly Warzone Earth HD Hits the BlackBerry Q10 & Q5!
My favorite strategy game just hit the BlackBerry Q10. Anomaly Warzone Earth HD is an awesomely intense tower defense style game flipped on its head. You have to attack the towers of the enemy and take down their defenses. I HIGHLY recommend this game but check out the Android trailer below if you need convincing.
Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link You can pick up Anomaly Warzone Earth HD for $3.99 in BlackBerry World for the BlackBerry Z10, Q10 and Q5!
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | Anomaly Warzone Earth HD Hits the BlackBerry Q10 & Q5!
Переслать - BlackBerry's Top Z10 & Q10 App Releases for the Week
Its the Wednesday again which means BlackBerry has put out their list of top app releases for the week. There are some goodies in here including my favorite NBA JAM game. Many of these we have already covered in the past week but we will cover the others shortly!
BlackBerry Z10 Apps:
- NBA JAM for BlackBerry 10 (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
- Atriviate (Triviados) (Pandereta Estudio)*
Navigation & Travel:
- Iberia (IBERIA LAE)*
Photo & Video:
- Discovery Channel (enwany)*
- The Daily Show Headlines* (Viacom International Inc.)*
- ATT Digital Life (AT&T Services, Inc.)*
*Also available on BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Q10 Apps:
- MONOPOLY for BlackBerry 10 (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
- Gameloft Ice Age Village (Gameloft Inc.)
Music & Audio
- Piano (Aberrant Software Inc.)
Publication & News
- ESPN Rádio Brasil (ESPN Brasil)
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | BlackBerry’s Top Z10 & Q10 App Releases for the Week
Переслать - Doodle Jump Games Coming to BlackBerry Z10 & Q10 Next Week
BlackBerry has been kind enough to break the news that Doodle Jump is coming in its many forms to BlackBerry 10 next week. (My guess is at this link) That includes both the Q10 and Z10 which is nice to see. They also confirmed that WWE and MTV apps are coming to the Q10 next week.
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | Doodle Jump Games Coming to BlackBerry Z10 & Q10 Next Week
Переслать - BlackBerry 10.2 Screenshots Show Off Actionable Notifications & More!
Kris over at CrackBerry forums has come out of hibernation. His latest set of revelations about BlackBerry OS are sure to please a few. That includes everything from the expected update of the settings app to Cascades from Adobe AIR along with my favorite, Actionable Notifications. You now get toasts that slide up and you can click on them to reply and other functions. Also spotted is Wi-Fi Direct for direct device to device communication without a router. There is also a new App Manager that is showing its head.
Check out the full thread Kris has going on CB Forums. Kudos to Bla1ze for pointing it out!
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | BlackBerry 10.2 Screenshots Show Off Actionable Notifications & More!
Переслать - Native Evernote Client Leaks From OS 10.2 – Caught on Video
A few creative folks have been playing with an early build of OS and they are finding some nice goodies. First of all they spotted a Native Evernote app along with other app updates. The leaked BAR was spotted by Kris over @CrackBerry forums (hat tip Bla1ze) though it seems to be hit and mostly miss with older OS builds. JamezAlexander was kind enough to post a video of it in action though not fully working yet:
Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link Check out the BAR file here for sideloading
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | Native Evernote Client Leaks From OS 10.2 – Caught on Video
Переслать - AT&T Rolling Out OS for the BlackBerry Q10
It seems like AT&T is leapfrogging their Z10 update with a new Q10 update. This one brings us to v10.1.0.2121 which will show up as Software Release on your device. This version brings us above the versions that have reboot errors but I never experienced it on mine. Either way if you are on AT&T jump on that check for updates button.
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | AT&T Rolling Out OS for the BlackBerry Q10
Переслать - New BlackBerry Q10 Commercial Rolling Out in the US
If you are wondering what BlackBerry is up to in terms of advertising the newly released Q10 then here is a start. We now have a new commercial for the device recorded by Alex Bass. It looks pretty nice showing off some features of the OS but no real differentiators. Let us know what you think!
Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | New BlackBerry Q10 Commercial Rolling Out in the US
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