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- Blaq for the BlackBerry PlayBook Updated to v1.8.9 With Bug Fixes
BlackBerry PlayBook users are very familiar with Blaq if they want Twitter on their device. The developer let us know that they have updated the app to fix some bugs that have cropped up. Mainly they had to fix the inability to post tweets with photos after the Twitter API upgrade. They also improved the display of photos.
Check out Blaq in BlackBerry World
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | Blaq for the BlackBerry PlayBook Updated to v1.8.9 With Bug Fixes
Переслать - The Upcoming BlackBerry 10 Device Model Lineup (Compiled From BlackBerry Config Scripts)
Long time reader and tinkerer, Ofutur, let us know that he has compiled a list of the upcoming code names and device models that we can expect from BlackBerry. He got the information from the configuration scripts BlackBerry uses for BlackBerry 10. Right now the list still has some gaps and is nowhere close to 100% correct but it is a start.
Check it out in the forums and give Ofutur your feedback.
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | The Upcoming BlackBerry 10 Device Model Lineup (Compiled From BlackBerry Config Scripts)
Переслать - FaceFlow Video Chat Adds Support for Q10 & Q5 – Now Costs $1.99
FaceFlow has updated their BlackBerry 10 app this week and its a welcome one for QWERTY keyboard lovers. The app now supports the Q10 and Q5 along with the Z10 but no PlayBook support yet. Sadly the developer has decided to start charging for the app which is going to hurt the popularity of the service. Still the app is pretty solid and works well on BlackBerry 10.
Check out FaceFlow for $1.99 in BlackBerry World
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | FaceFlow Video Chat Adds Support for Q10 & Q5 – Now Costs $1.99
Переслать - BlackBerry World Website FINALLY Adds "Others Also Downloaded" Recommendations!
It seems like the BlackBerry World development team is finally addressing some of the issues I pointed out earlier this month. I was browsing the BlackBerry World website and checking out some reviews when I noticed something new. On a product page there is now another tab by reviews letting you see what "Others Also Downloaded." This is the most basic AND useful type of recommendation system and I am really glad BlackBerry has finally added it. I am also hoping that we will see it soon in the mobile app.
Check out the FaceFlow app as an example. Could this mean that we will shortly have a more robust recommendation engine of similar apps?
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | BlackBerry World Website FINALLY Adds "Others Also Downloaded" Recommendations!
Переслать - VIKI Personal Assistant for BlackBerry 10 Launches to Mixed Reviews
We told you earlier that VIKI Personal Assistant was coming to BlackBerry 10 today and it is finally here. The much delayed app is available now fin BlackBerry World for $3.99. It has a witty sarcastic tone but the app definitely feels like it is still in early beta testing though the voice recognition works decently. You just get the basic feeling that the app and its Personal Assistant engine are not close to being fully baked.
Either way if you want to stay on the cutting edge of voice apps for BlackBerry 10 you may want to give VIKI a shot for $3.99 in BlackBerry World.
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | VIKI Personal Assistant for BlackBerry 10 Launches to Mixed Reviews
Переслать - Meet Your Device Updates to v1.2.3.1 for BlackBerry 10, Really Get to Know Your Device
Santito 95 has updated the Meet Your Device app and it includes quite a few nice improvements on the app. It looks sharper, shares more, and is just the all around great informational app to have on your BlackBerry 10 device. What’s new? Well I’ve included the changelog to show you.
The changelog is as follows:
- Graphic improvements
- Performance improvements
- File size decreased
- Added Storage information
- Changed some small designs
- Translation bugs fixed
I really like this app, and when other people see it when I’m on my Z10, they ask where I got it because they love having an app with that sort of information. Many times I have to tell them if they don’t have a BlackBerry device, they’ll have to look for something similar because Meet Your Device is only in BlackBerry World.
I’ve included a few screenshots so that you can see what sort of information is displayed and at your fingertips with this application.
You can grab a copy of Meet Your Device in BlackBerry World for only $1.99 and if you already have it, be sure to click on BlackBerry World and refresh your apps to find the update that’s waiting for you.
Purchase Meet Your Device for $1.99 here
Posted by Susan for ©BerryReview | Meet Your Device Updates to v1.2.3.1 for BlackBerry 10, Really Get to Know Your Device
Переслать - BBM Channels Updated in Beta Zone With Channel Chat & More (BB10 & Legacy)
BBM Channels just got a nice update tonight. The most impressive addition is the ability to start a chat with the chat owner and from device to device. BlackBerry was kind enough to share the change log:
- Chat! Ability to chat device to device. From the Channel overview or profile you can start a chat with the channel owner.
- If you're a channel owner, make sure you enable chat in your channel profile.
- Subscriber count added to channel profile: no longer will you need to wonder the subscriber count for the channels you are subscribed to.
- Search Improvements: support for pagination and a new search animation.
- Support new lines in create post description field: add intrigue to your post by spacing out your description.
- Allow channel owners to exclude their channels from search – users can now create channels that will be excluded from search.
- Active text support for Channel PIN's – whenever a BBM Channel ID is noted, users can select the Channel ID to open up the Channel within BBM. *Already supported on BBOS, new to BlackBerry 10
Check out the latest update here in the beta zone for both legacy devices and BlackBerry 10. Expect the BerryReview channel to have chat up as soon as I figure out how to turn it on
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | BBM Channels Updated in Beta Zone With Channel Chat & More (BB10 & Legacy)
Переслать - BlackBerry Issues Statement On Their Use of Emails Credentials To Simplify Account Setup
BlackBerry has come out and confirmed what we stated earlier about a report claiming they were passing email credentials to BlackBerry's servers. As I said before BlackBerry does this to help configure your email account on BlackBerry 10. Even more so BlackBerry has been doing this sort of configuration securely for over a decade with BIS in their data centers. BlackBerry got back to me with the following statement about the report:
"BlackBerry's Discovery Service uses credentials provided by the user to communicate and connect with the mail server. This process is done to simplify the setup allowing BlackBerry to configure the various options for server names, ports, protocols and server options. The user credentials are only used during the setup of the account and BlackBerry does not store the usernames and passwords. This process is covered in the Terms and Conditions that the user accepts when they start using the device.Users can bypass the Discovery Service by using the Advanced Configuration option to manually enter all of the required server configuration information."
In other words BlackBerry uses the credentials you input to help setup your account. They have a whole configuration database for every different type of email account on their servers which would be unmaintainable on the devices themselves. This is why setting up an email for a non-popular service is such a pain on Android and even iOS devices.
In short: move along folks there is nothing to see here…
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | BlackBerry Issues Statement On Their Use of Emails Credentials To Simplify Account Setup
Переслать - Top 10 Things BlackBerry Can Improve in BlackBerry 10
In some ways BlackBerry 10 launched with functionality missing on other platforms at launch. On the other hand there are many things that BlackBerry needs to improve or add to BlackBerry 10 for it to better compete with iOS & Android or even legacy BlackBerry devices. I wanted to start the discussion with my top 10 list of things BlackBerry can improve in BlackBerry 10 to make it a more compelling product:
- Give Back Control of Notifications – The limited yet convoluted notification system on BlackBerry 10 is a mess. BlackBerry tried to simplify the complex yet powerful notification options on BlackBerry 7 and they failed miserably. We need the basics like differentiating between BBM and BBM Groups notifications along with the more powerful options in BlackBerry 7. Simply admit defeat and rework it. If you need any help just ask any long time BlackBerry user.
- Add more gestures – I love what BlackBerry has done so far with gestures but I want more. For example, the hub is just dying for side to side flick gestures to delete or mark an email as read. Putting two fingers on the screen should select the emails in between them. Let us turn them on and off as we wish.
- Background Apps – I know this is coming in BlackBerry 10.2 but it deserves to make the list just because of how important it is.
- Improve the camera options – Many improvements are coming in BlackBerry 10.2 like panorama but once again BlackBerry needs to keep up with the competition and their third party service like Instagram. Just keep pushing the envelope.
- FIX the Contacts app – This app is simply a blight on BlackBerry 10 especially as part of the core OS. Users are plagued from everything from missing/duplicate contacts to annoying contact renaming. Figure out the issue and push it out already.
- Improve the usability and user experience of the Hub – I love the BlackBerry 10 hub. It brings most of what I loved in BlackBerry 7 and improves on it in some ways. On the other hand I am just blown away by some of the design decisions. For example, why is there no way to swipe between messages in a conversation? Even Q10 with keyboard shortcuts it performs an annoying animation between messages. Just hire a User Experience expert…
- Add SWYPE like keyboard gestures on BlackBerry Z10 – I love the big screen on the BlackBerry Z10 and the keyboard is pretty good with flick typing but there is a simple way for BlackBerry to attract more Android users. They need to add the swipe keyboard that SWYPE brought to android and SwiftKey has now also embraced. BlackBerry already licenses the SwiftKey prediction engine so
- Fix the embarrassment that is BlackBerry World – BlackBerry World is holding back the potential of BlackBerry 10. More details here.
- Roll out OS updates globally and update 1st party apps regularly – BlackBerry is letting companies like Verizon screw BlackBerry 10 users many carriers are not much better. I already laid down the case for why BlackBerry 10 updates should be global or at least offered as public betas. The same goes for all the BlackBerry 10 apps made by BlackBerry. StoryMaker, alarm clock, browser, etc should not wait for the next OS update to get new features or bug fixes.
- Bring on the apps – This one is self explanatory but is key on the list of top 10 needs. BlackBerry does not need a larger quantity of apps but rather they need more QUALITY apps. BlackBerry needs to be targeting the household names like Mint, Pandora, banks, etc. Same goes for games though they are doing much better on that front. Maybe even open up OTA app downloads for BlackBerry 10 AND Android APK files.
There could be more on this list like bringing back BlackBerry bridge for PlayBook users or bringing BBM Chat and Video to the desktop but 10 is a good start. What do you think are the top 10 things BlackBerry can improve in BlackBerry 10 to grow their user base and make users happy? Don't hesitate to put anything on your wish list!
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | Top 10 Things BlackBerry Can Improve in BlackBerry 10
Переслать - VIKI Personal Assistant Coming to BlackBerry 10 Tomorrow!
We have been hearing about the VIKI personal assistant app coming to BlackBerry 10 for awhile now. We are happy to report that VIKI is launching on BlackBerry 10 exclusively tomorrow. The personal assistant allows you to interact with it using natural language sort of like SIRI or the BlackBerry 10 voice control. VIKI can answer questions, make recommendations, or delegate requests to available web services. It even has a sense of humor.
The developers let us know that VIKI is making its official debut on BlackBerry World tomorrow. Check out some details at or on their Facebook page
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | VIKI Personal Assistant Coming to BlackBerry 10 Tomorrow!
Переслать - OS Leaks for All BlackBerry 10 Devices!
Ofutur just let us know about the latest BlackBerry 10 leak and this time it is for all BlackBerry 10 devices including the Z10, Q10, and Q5 in all variants. Credit goes out to Mecca El for roping it in along with the autoloader. Proceed at your own RISK and check out the details from Mecca El on this crackberry forum thread.
SQN – ALL MODEL Q10 and SQR – ALL MODEL Q5:!shtBGQQb!KwdSB3…ro1BFfNf54IGhw
STL100-2, STL100-3, STL100-4:!p9VxkDwY!euVcTH…qpg_kkBLz0ALJ0
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | OS Leaks for All BlackBerry 10 Devices!
Переслать - Updated: Report Claims BlackBerry 10 Sends Email Credentials to BlackBerry Servers
Update: BlackBerry’s statement on the report
You have to love all the craziness going on since the latest round of NSA spying leaks. Many of us working in security know how little privacy we truly have which makes these worries seem comical. The latest report comes from a researcher in Germany that was shocked to find that BlackBerry is sending their email account credentials to BlackBerry's servers whenever you sets up an email account. He correctly assumes that BlackBerry is doing this to help detect the setup of the email server but he was surprised that BlackBerry did not disclose doing this.
I have asked BlackBerry about this in the past since the whole legacy BlackBerry BIS system is based on BlackBerry storing your email credentials. BlackBerry has a whole configuration database now of how each email server works and autodetecting the best settings. BlackBerry is using that system to help setup your BlackBerry 10 email account. Now the report does have a point that BlackBerry should disclose the fact that they are doing this but my guess is that you will find this somewhere in the user agreement.
On one hand I do think BlackBerry could have an option that allows users to "use BlackBerry's servers to help optimize the setup of your email account" but that would just complicate the process. BlackBerry has been transmitting user email credentials since the creation of BIS and has been managing to keep them secure for over a decade. Now with BlackBerry 10 they do not even store them so the issue seems to be even less.
Either way I really hope BlackBerry gets in front of this issue with full disclosure on what they are doing with this information. I reached out to them earlier and am awaiting a response.
You can see all the details on Geekheim's report here. Scroll down for English.
Img credit: Imgur
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview | Updated: Report Claims BlackBerry 10 Sends Email Credentials to BlackBerry Servers
Переслать - BlackBerry Rolling Out a New Domain for Bricked BlackBerry 10 Devices
It seems like BlackBerry is looking at a different way to help users with bricked devices. In the past they have had special web page links for Java Error codes. Now they have unveiled a new website for BlackBerry 10 devices starting from the upcoming OS 10.2. If the device does not start up it will show you an image with the url where XXXX is one of errors listed below:
- 0001 or 0002 – The currently installed BlackBerry 10 OS version is not supported on this smartphone.
- 0003 - A critical error was encountered while loading the BlackBerry 10 OS.
- 0004 - The currently installed radio software is not supported on the BlackBerry smartphone.
- 0005 - The BlackBerry 10 smartphone radio software is missing or invalid.
- 0015 – A fatal file system error was encountered.
- 0016 - A fatal file system error was encountered.
- 0017 - A fatal file system error was encountered.
Check out the full details over here
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | BlackBerry Rolling Out a New Domain for Bricked BlackBerry 10 Devices
Переслать - BlackBerry World for BlackBerry 10 Updated to v4.4.0.54
BlackBerry has pushed out an update to BlackBerry World bringing us to v4.4.0.54. There is sadly no change log but it seems like many of us with leaked OS builds have already been running this version. Either way we are hearing reports of the app being much faster and with lower lag time. Go into BlackBerry World and then head to the My World section to run a check for updates in the menu.
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | BlackBerry World for BlackBerry 10 Updated to v4.4.0.54
Переслать - WeChat Launches on BlackBerry 10 With a Native App
Its nice to see more developers embracing native apps out of the gate. WeChat has just joined that number by bringing their very popular cross platform messaging app to BlackBerry 10. The app is totally native and runs beautifully though it does require OS 10.1. The app is totally free with no ads and includes some nice features like group chats.
Features include:
- Fun one-on-one and group chats with voice messages, texts, pictures.
- Chat with friends across platforms
- Enhance your chats with a huge selection of animated emoticons.
- Power-saving optimizations and low data consumption rates
- Follow your favorite official accounts.
- Fast and easy registration via phone number (supports more than a hundred different regions).
- Supports 4 languages, including English, Indonesian, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
- Supports OS10.1
- Integrated with BlackBerry Hub.
Check out WeChat free in BlackBerry World
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview | WeChat Launches on BlackBerry 10 With a Native App
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