Monday, August 13, 2012

123 - #BoldRescue – How has your BlackBerry saved the day?

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  • #BoldRescue – How has your BlackBerry saved the day?

    BlackBerry® device owners are doers. They're always on, and they handle daily responsibilities – plus the occasional crisis – with ease and a BlackBerry smartphone at their side.

    BlackBerry products have helped them send documents to colleagues just in time, with just a few taps. They've helped users "remember" the name of someone familiar nearby, allowing them to use BlackBerry® Messenger (BBM™) to communicate with a mutual friend on the other side of the world. And these are only a few stories.

    Over the next two weeks, we're collecting heroics (or stories)! No BlackBerry rescue is too small or too large. Tell us about it! I'll even share one of the many times my BlackBerry smartphone rescued me this month to get the ball rolling.

    About a year ago I was travelling with my family on vacation when my father experienced a medical emergency on a ski hill. Luckily we were able to use our BlackBerry smartphones to not only find aid, but to communicate in real time with family back home and provide updates. Our trip was extended for a few days and we used our smartphones to find our way around the community. Tips on where to find 24-hour coffee shops and other nearby amenities are key for situations like this. I was able to keep in touch with the office as well, which definitely came in handy. With the help of entertaining apps and videos on our BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, our family got through those long waiting room hours. My father made a full recovery, and what could have been a really rough time was made that much smoother. And yes, the picture above was snagged from my BlackBerry device.

    Now it's your turn — let's hear some good ones! Share your story by leaving a comment, or sharing on Twitter® (#BoldRescue) or Facebook®.

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