Monday, December 17, 2012

123 - BlackBerry in Emerging Markets: Focus on Africa

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  • BlackBerry in Emerging Markets: Focus on Africa

    BlackBerry in Africa

    One of the best things about my job at BlackBerry is that I get to learn about the tremendous impact our products have on the lives of consumers and developers all over the world. From Saratoga Springs, USA to Phalaborwa, South Africa, BlackBerry devices have found their way to the farthest reaches of our great planet.

    Africa is such a fascinating region for us. As an emerging market, you might be interested to know that mobile adoption in Africa is projected to reach 85 percent, or 950 million subscribers, in the next three years. To put that into perspective, that's more than three times the entire U.S. population!

    What's really cool is that in South Africa, BlackBerry devices maintain a 70 percent market share. According to researchers at Ovum, this is largely the result of high-quality apps – like BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), a favorite in the region – and app stores like the BlackBerry App World storefront.

    There are so many ways to engage with markets around the globe. A great place to get started is by following the BlackBerry Europe & Africa communities on Facebook or YouTube.

    Is there an emerging global market that interests you? Let us know in the comments below.

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