Friday, December 21, 2012

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  • Dear Team BlackBerry, Thank You for 2012

    The holidays are here, and the BlackBerry social media team is preparing to go home to be with our families. We had a great year and want to express our sincere and humble gratitude to all of you who comment, tweet, like, and otherwise appreciate us. It has been a pleasure interacting with Team BlackBerry across all of our channels this year, thank you for tuning in.
    BlackBerry Holiday Scene

    While 2012 was a blast for us at the Inside BlackBerry Blog, we can hardly wait to usher in a new year and celebrate the 2013 BlackBerry 10 launch event in January. We're excited, and the buzz around the office is incredible.

    As we break for the holidays, let's take a look back at some of our readers' favorite posts on the Inside BlackBerry Blog from 2012:

    1. BlackBerry 10 Launch Event to be held on January 30th, 2013 The post heard 'round the world!
    2. BlackBerry World 2012 Keynote Features BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek [VIDEO] Thorsten rocked BlackBerry World this year
    3. BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek: Mobile Has a Brand New Flow [VIDEO] Donny showed us how to go with the flow of BlackBerry 10
    4. BlackBerry 10 Demo and Exclusive Backstage Interview at BlackBerry Jam Americas Vivek took us inside the BlackBerry 10 UI onstage and backstage
    5. Be Bold and Vote: What's Your Reason to Believe in BlackBerry 10? We've all got our reason, what's yours?
    6. Team BlackBerry: Black Sheep by Choice We shared your spirit in showing proclaiming we're #ProudToBeTeamBlackBerry
    7. New Facebook for BlackBerry 10 Demoed at BlackBerry Jam Americas BlackBerry 10 brings a sweet new Facebook to your device
    8. New BBM 7 Update Now Available: Get Talking with BBM Voice [VIDEO] BBM 7 brought voice chat over Wi-Fi
    9. BlackBerry Smartphones: The Story of Durability Testing [VIDEOS] Still a crowd favorite, Ryan shows us what not to do to our devices
    10. 4 Simple Steps to Protect and Recover Your Data with BlackBerry Protect Prepare your BlackBerry device for the unthinkable with BlackBerry Protect

    What were some of your favorite posts on the Inside BlackBerry Blog this year? We'd love to hear from you this holiday season, and don't forget: You can get access to every BlackBerry 10 detail, update, and feature as it's released by going to and registering!

    Happy holidays, and see you in #JanuBerry!

    Donny — signing off.


  • Let's Get a Check of the Weather with BlackBerry apps!

    Predicting the weather has proven to be difficult for most of us—including meteorologists. We've all been stuck in the rain without an umbrella or wished we had worn a heavier jacket after the sun went down. With our BlackBerry smartphones and BlackBerry PlayBook tablets, we have a world of information at our fingertips, but it's still pretty easy to get caught in a storm without the right alerts.

    Let's make sure that we keep ourselves—and our BlackBerry devices—warm and dry during the coming winter months by keeping an eye on the forecast with BlackBerry weather apps:

    weathereye app WeatherEye HD by The Weather Network: Local weather and alerts are sent straight to your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet through the WeatherEye HD app. You can receive active weather coverage and detailed forecasts for thousands of locations in cities through the U.S., Canada and other locations throughout the world.

    emobile app e-Mobile Weather by e-Mobile Software, Inc.: This weather app offers live, detailed weather on your BlackBerry smartphone. You can view real-time weather reports, forecasts, trends and radar images. E-Mobile Weather also supports international cities for your trips abroad.

    weather app Weather by Simply Apps: With this app you can get day-to-day weather details and weekly weather outlooks on your BlackBerry smartphone. You can save battery life by choosing to refresh weather details automatically or manually. You can even use the GPS on your BlackBerry device for hyper-accurate weather reporting.

    How do you use your BlackBerry smartphone or BlackBerry PlayBook tablet to keep tabs on Mother Nature? Let us know in the comments!


  • BlackBerry 10 HTML5 Browser Demo Showcases Bookmark Tagging [VIDEO]

    Since first showing you the browser in BlackBerry 10 at BlackBerry Jam Americas, the team has been working hard to create an amazing browsing experience. Matthew from the browser team and I wanted to show you some of tweaks and features they've made that make it stand out.

    If you're like me, you have a ton of bookmarks on your smartphone, and they can be tricky to navigate between. We've made it easy to organize everything now, with tags — a simple feature, yes, but one that is designed to make your life that much easier. Watch Matthew demo the BlackBerry 10 browser:

    [ YouTube link for mobile viewing ]

    In the above video, Matthew shows off an HTML5 game running smoothly on the device, the tagging feature for organizing your bookmarks, and some subtle changes we've made so you can see more of the website on your screen. In case you missed it back in September, we showed you how powerful the HTML5 compatibility is with the “get user media demo” that allows for web designers to access items on the device like the camera to create rich multimedia browsing. We also showed off reader mode and share functions, so be sure to check out that blog post.

    BlackBerry 10 is shaping up to be the best BlackBerry experience to date. Can't wait to get your hands on it? Sign up here for more details and let us know what you think of the BlackBerry 10 browser in the comments below.


  • Warm Voices and Cold Fronts: Our BlackBerry World

    Our BlackBerry world

    With email, text messaging (SMS), BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), BBM Voice and numerous other ways to communicate, it seems that simple phone calls are becoming less frequent. Think about how often you use your BlackBerry smartphone to make a call. Do you make calls to say 'happy birthday,' or just to say hello and catch up with an old friend? How long do these conversations last? Messaging just makes communicating easier. But is it the best way?

    One thing we all have in common is our behavior during a storm. A recent study found that during 'uncomfortable weather' of any kind, call volumes decreased but the length of calls increased. Data also showed that during storms we are calling family and close friends rather than a wider network of contacts. Does this sound like you?

    The difference between words in a text and soothing familiar voice is our emotional response to each. During a storm or any time of uncertainty, we want the emotional connection we get by talking to our friends or family. Sorry, emoticons – a voice connection wins this time.

    We are attached to our BlackBerry smartphones by far more than just our wireless headsets and stylish leather cases and we should all embrace it. A familiar voice is comforting – whether during a storm or a bright, sunny day. Sometimes we need to take a step back and use that feature on our smartphones.

    How do you like to catch up with friends and family? Do you wait for a storm? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!


  • A History of Integration

    Mobile integration

    June 17th, 1946 was a Monday. On that day, the very first mobile telephone was made from 80 pounds of equipment installed under the dashboard of a delivery truck in St. Louis, Missouri. Truthfully, it would be another 30 years before you could take the first "mobile phone" anywhere without a truck.

    That is, until April 3rd, 1973, when researcher and inventor Martin Cooper made the first mobile telephone call from a handheld prototype weighing 2.5 pounds. You could make a 30-minute phone call with it, but you then had to charge the device for 10 hours.

    In the late 1980s, Zack Morris from "Saved by the Bell" may or may not have been carrying a DynaTAC series mobile device, one of the very first cellular telephones offered commercially. That device would have cost Zack's parents nearly $4,000, and Zack would have had to charge it for eight hours at a time. It's no wonder he barely used it.

    The days of the telescopic antennas of the 1990s are a thing of the past. "Flip"-style form factor phones are fading from everyday view. Do you remember the early days of the Bluetooth earpiece? The first time you saw someone who appeared to be talking to themself on the street? Now it's so commonplace you sit next to them on the bus or train—possibly "talking to yourself" as well. Now our devices are "smart;" they integrate technologies like Wi-Fi, NFC, 3G, LTE, and HSPA. A world of knowledge now rests literally at your fingertips. It has to make you wonder…what do future smartphones have in store?


  • BlackBerry Fans Get Hands-On BlackBerry 10 Demo [VIDEO]

    While Donny was in New York showing off BlackBerry 10, we brought 20 of our biggest BlackBerry fans to our headquarters in Waterloo, Ontario for a sneak peek at BlackBerry 10. They had an opportunity to meet and greet with the BlackBerry Social Media team but also got the chance to hear about BlackBerry 10 firsthand from Product and Marketing Managers working directly on the products. They even had a surprise visit from our CEO, Thorsten Heins.

    BlackBerry Elite

    (Rajesh Kutty – @kuttysark with Thorsten Heins)

    After an exciting and high energy day for everyone involved (both the fans and our team) here's a look at what some of them had to say about BlackBerry 10:

    [ YouTube link for mobile viewing ]

    They're definitely excited and proud to be on Team BlackBerry – what about you? What features are you looking forward to for BlackBerry 10?

    Every BlackBerry 10 detail, update, and feature, as soon as it's released: Test out BlackBerry 10 features hands-on, watch exclusive video interviews with the minds behind BlackBerry 10, and receive product and carrier updates straight to your inbox. Sign up today!


  • BlackBerry 10 Hands-on Demo Impresses at New York Times DealBook Conference [VIDEO]

    Last week we attended the New York Times DealBook: Opportunities for Tomorrow Conference. With BlackBerry as a founding conference sponsor, Frank Boulben, CMO for BlackBerry, and Vivek Bhardwaj provided an exclusive preview of BlackBerry 10 to some of the most insightful financial, business and economic thought leaders. The hands-on demo focused on the BlackBerry Hub, BlackBerry Balance and BlackBerry 10 Keyboard. After the demo, the room was abuzz with folks eager to get their hands on BlackBerry 10. I caught up with a few of the attendees to capture their initial reactions to the demo. Here's what they thought:

    [ YouTube link for mobile viewing ]

    I talked with Vivek afterward, and we both agreed that one of our favorite moments was when an attendee thought he was demoing on a QWERTY device, and he had to hold it up and show the audience that it was a full touch model. "It goes to show the effort we've taken to make sure the keyboard on BlackBerry 10 feels like a BlackBerry keyboard," he said.

    While the panel discussions inside the conference were largely geared towards the post-election outlook for the economy, the audience definitely left with a strong sense of where BlackBerry is heading in just a few short weeks.

    From what you've seen of BlackBerry 10, what are your thoughts on the demos? Let us know in the comments.

    Every BlackBerry 10 detail, update, and feature, as soon as it's released: Test out BlackBerry 10 features hands-on, watch exclusive video interviews with the minds behind BlackBerry 10, and receive product and carrier updates straight to your inbox. Sign up today!

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