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- Introducing: Five Pic Friday!
We've said it before: the creativity of Team BlackBerry constantly impresses us. We've featured hundreds of pictures from you on our BlackBerry Flickr® Page. The best part? ALL of the pictures were taken using BlackBerry® smartphones or BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablets! Pretty incredible.
To celebrate your #BlackBerryPhotography, we decided to kick off a brand new blog post series – Five Pic Friday – that features the best of the best photos from our Flickr page. Each month, we'll showcase a different batch of five photos – from BlackBerry Sunsets and Sunrises to Team BlackBerry Pets and more!
Here's a peek at this month’s five pics, sent in by Team BlackBerry on Twitter® and Facebook®:
Photo by Brittany (@MsBrittz); Taken with a BlackBerry® Bold™ 9780 smartphone
Photo by @rrrebo; Taken with a BlackBerry® Bold™ 9700 smartphone
Photo by Desirée (@DesireeTodd_79); Taken with a BlackBerry® Curve™ 3G 9300 smartphone
Photo by G.K. Lawson (@gklawson); Taken with a BlackBerry® Storm2™ smartphone
Photo by Ashley (@rawsharktext)
Where do YOU find your inspiration for capturing the perfect BlackBerry photo? Tell us in the comments! Keep sharing your best #BlackBerryPhotography with us on Twitter and Facebook, and you never know – your photo could be featured in next month's Five Pic Friday.
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