Sunday, July 22, 2012

123 - Inside BlackBerry: Q&A with Streeter and Amir of College Humor

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  • Inside BlackBerry: Q&A with Streeter and Amir of College Humor

    Comedy-loving, web-savvy members of #TeamBlackBerry may have noticed a web series running on College Humor: BlackBerry Challenge Council. Hosted by Streeter and Amir (along with celebrity co-hosts, such as Leighton Meester, Dax Shepard and more), these five videos sought to debunk popular "BlackBerry myths" in the most outrageous ways possible.

    Now that the College Humor series has wrapped, we managed to get a hold of Streeter and Amir so they could answer some entertaining questions for their BlackBerry®-loving fans. They delivered in spades. Take it away, guys.


    1. How many years have you been on #TeamBlackBerry?
    Three great years!

    2. How many BlackBerry devices have you had? Which ones?
    Two. BlackBerry® Tour™ 9630, and now a BlackBerry® Bold™ 9900.

    3. We know you are on a BlackBerry Bold 9900 now — what is your absolute favorite thing about it and why?
    The touch screen! Because I’m lazy.

    4. What was a surprising moment from the BlackBerry Challenge Council?
    Seeing Dax Shepard groom a poodle was pretty…un-average.

    [ YouTube link for mobile viewing ]

    5. You got to do some pretty cool things while leading the Challenge Council, like have a #BBM birthday party for a pony and have a #BBMMusic concert in the middle of a neighborhood. Do you have a favorite BlackBerry Challenge Council moment or memory to share with us?
    Hanging out with SkyBlu from LMFAO and a pony is probably a memory that very few people on Earth will carry with them forever. I’m fortunate enough to be one of those few.

    6. If you could BBM™ anyone, past or present, who would it be and what would you say?
    I would BBM Albert Einstein and just tell him about the Internet. See how much he would freak out.

    7. If you could create your own BlackBerry app, what kind of app would you create and what would it do? The sky is the limit!
    I have many app ideas kicking around in my brain but I’m hoping to one day sell them for millions of dollars. So for the purposes of this interview, I’ll share this fake app idea: An app that changes the sound a BlackBerry smartphone makes when it takes a photo to a cow mooing.

    8. Give us a random fact to share with #TeamBlackBerry:
    The first person to live until 150 years old has probably already been born. Think about THAT.


    1. How many years have you been on #TeamBlackBerry?
    I got my first BlackBerry smartphone in 2007, I believe. I would have got one sooner, but that was the year my parents kicked me off the family plan, and I was forced to make my own cell phone choices.

    2. We know you are on a BlackBerry Bold 9900 now — what is your absolute favorite thing about it and why?
    I'm into the browser speed, which is consistently super fast. I also love the alarm – weird, but true. It's one of the best alarms I've ever had and has a nice way of waking me up every day. I'm not mad at it when I first wake up, which is about the highest compliment you can pay an alarm.

    3. What was a surprising moment from the BlackBerry Challenge Council?
    For me, it was the 360-degree picture in the Leighton Meester video. I wasn't sure how it was going to look, and then when we saw it I think we were both really impressed. It felt like briefly living in a cool reality where Amir and I are in an action movie with Leighton Meester.

    [ YouTube link for mobile viewing ]

    4. You got to do some pretty cool things while leading the Challenge Council, like have a #BBM birthday party for a pony and have a #BBMMusic concert in the middle of a neighborhood. Do you have a favorite BlackBerry Challenge Council moment or memory to share with us?
    Amir and I had been singing this 80's song one day called "The King of Wishful Thinking." Amir had heard it and told me about it, and we just started singing a lot between takes. It was really a great song to annoy the crew. Anyway, we were singing it during the shoot with Greyson Chance, and he just picked up the melody and started playing it on the piano. I was so impressed and angry at the same time that I couldn't do that.

    5. What is your favorite BlackBerry app and why?
    I love TripIt®. I travel a lot and TripIt is one of – if not the – best travel app around. It stores all of your flight info, hotel info, car info, etc. in one place and breaks it up by trip. I don't know how I kept everything organized before it.

    6. What superhero/celebrity/metaphorical duo could represent you and your BlackBerry smartphone? (e.g. I'm Batman, my BlackBerry is Robin: here's why…)
    I suppose we'd be like Lewis and Clark: one human explorer traveling the world looking to expand the scope of his knowledge and one robot sidekick who helps him along the way.

    7. Random Facts to Share with #TeamBlackBerry:
    I have dropped my BlackBerry Bold 9900 an estimated 4,000 times, and it has yet to get a single scratch.

    Thanks, guys! Inside BlackBerry Blog readers – did you get the chance to check out the BlackBerry Challenge Council videos? Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

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