Thursday, June 21, 2012

123 - Facebook 3.1 for BlackBerry smartphones now available, with new features added

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  • Facebook 3.1 for BlackBerry smartphones now available, with new features added

    Last time we checked in on the Facebook for BlackBerry® smartphones app, it received a major update and became BBM™ Connected. In the meantime, the development team here at Research In Motion (RIM) has been hard at work bringing improvements to make this popular app for BlackBerry smartphones even better. Best of all, you get to reap the benefits because it brings some new features that #TeamBlackBerry has been asking for.

    Let's take a look:

    First, we've added "Facebook Groups" to the app. Facebook Groups keeps you connected to the different groups and organizations that you belong to. You can keep tabs on the Groups you're already a member of, right from your BlackBerry smartphone. You'll be able to post your updates, comments and media. You can even check out the profile info of fellow group members and get notifications when other members make updates.

    Sharing comments and discussing others’ posts is at the core of what makes Facebook fun. With this software update, you can now "Like" individual comments from within the Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones app. I’m personally looking forward to the simple satisfaction of giving a much-deserved thumbs up to the wittiest comments posted by friends and family. Of course, it's always good to be on the receiving end of some kudos, too.

    There you have it — two awesome new features have been added to Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones. Like what you see? Be sure to swing by the BlackBerry App World™ storefront for a free download of the Facebook for BlackBerry® smartphones app, and tell us what you think in the comments.

    *App may take up to 24 hours to appear in BlackBerry App World

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