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- BlackBerry Jam Americas Wrap Video
BlackBerry Jam Americas has come and gone in San Jose and there is still a buzz in the air about how RIM might not be dead or dying anymore. I am quite excited about what’s in store for BlackBerry after catching a glimpse of more of what BB10 has to offer. The conference seemed to have an upbeat atmosphere and developers really felt the love.
The Inside BlackBerry blog put together a short wrap up video including interviews with attendees. Check it out below.
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Posted by jforce for ©BerryReview, October 1, 2012, 12:13 pm. | BlackBerry Jam Americas Wrap Video | Leave a comment |
Переслать - CreaVures Platform Puzzle Game Now On PlayBook
Warning! Addiction and low productivity may occur after reading this post! CreaVures is a well crafted platform game from Union. It combines an adventure style with a little strategy, puzzles, and teamwork. Take control of 5 unique CreaVures, each with their own special ability. As you wander through the forest trying to restore the light, you must figure out how to get past obstacles, stun animals, and defeat bosses. I love the creativity of this game. I have only played it for a couple of levels and already the teamwork aspect has me hooked. One example is you use Bitey to hang from a piece of fruit while Pokey swings from his tail to jump to the other side. You can quickly switch which CreaVure you control by swiping towards them onscreen as seen below.
Go grab CreaVures from App World right now and start the adventure! Its FREE!
No related posts.
Posted by jforce for ©BerryReview, October 1, 2012, 10:04 am. | CreaVures Platform Puzzle Game Now On PlayBook | Leave a comment |
Переслать - Official BlackBerry 'Action Starts Here' Theme Very Limited Edition
Intellect Dimensions has put together a slick looking theme and is offering it for free to anyone wanting to show their BlackBerry pride…who has a compatible device. In the theme description it is stated that all major devices are supported. Unfortunately "due to certain limitations some of the features are not compatible with Bold 9900 devices." They have incorporated the red splat which has become a popular marketing symbol recently.
When I loaded the theme on my 9900 and pulled the battery just to be sure, I was disappointed at the limited nature of the theme right away. The incoming call screen does not look like the one at the top. It remains the stock screen which is too bad. I also never saw the wallpapers in my pictures folder as the below image shows should be the case.
On my 9900, the only difference from the stock OS7 theme (which I have since switched back to) was font size, a red highlight glow instead of blue, and an ok wallpaper. It's really too bad the kinks weren't worked out for the current flagship device before this theme was released.
Hopefully some of you have grabbed it on other models and are enjoying the other goodies 9900 owners are missing. Sound off in the comments and let us know!
Download Official Action Starts Here Theme free at App World.
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Posted by jforce for ©BerryReview, October 1, 2012, 8:00 am. | Official BlackBerry ‘Action Starts Here’ Theme Very Limited Edition | 3 comments |
Переслать - Shadowgun 3rd Person Shooter Free for PlayBook!
Union has released Shadowgun, the same game that was showcased at BlackBerry Jam Americas last week. I had no idea there were plans to release the game for PlayBook, so this is a nice surprise for sure. Shadowgun is a full fledged 3rd person shooter and is definitely priced right. At just shy of 350 MB, its a good sized game and should prove to be an effective time waster. I’ve fired it up a few times now and the story isn’t amazing but the controls are intuitive and I enjoy taking cover, then popping out and destroying the baddies. It reminds me a little bit of the Time Cop arcade games.
Download Shadowgun for PlayBook now.
More details and screenshots below.
- Featuring the most advanced combat A.I. to date—enemies flank, seek cover, and utilize teamwork to take you down! Battle automated sentries, aerial drones, and other lethal foes—tactical maneuvers are based upon actual military strategy!
- Solve hacking mini-games to whet your nerdly appetite, then get back to blasting!☣ CONSOLE-QUALITY GRAPHICS! ☣
- It ain't just pretty—it's gorgeous! Advanced lighting effects, beautifully rendered environments, and pro voices make this one of the most advanced games for your smartphone!☣ LIKE YOUR SCI-FI SOAKED IN BLOOD? ☣
- Immersive storyline with multiple outcomes! You decide how it ends!
- The first installment in a major franchise!
- Unlock the detailed "Shadowpedia", and read more about the SHADOWGUN universe!☣ FROM THE MIND OF A MADMAN! ☣
- Survive the onslaught of Dr. Simon's deadly creations, including level bosses, mutated grunts, killer machines, and more!If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
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Posted by jforce for ©BerryReview, October 1, 2012, 7:00 am. | Shadowgun 3rd Person Shooter Free for PlayBook! | 2 comments |
Переслать - RIM's Nigerian Focus
In advance of the release of BlackBerry 10, RIM has managed to increase the size of its subscriber base by attracting customers in some emerging markets. This is particularly true in Africa where RIM is (reportedly) the continent’s market leader in smartphones, including significant markets like Nigeria and South Africa. Nigeria in particular – as the second-fastest growing mobile market – is of great importance, and RIM has clearly decided to put great focus on Nigerian growth.
Showing its interest in growing its African stronghold, RIM is now opening a permanent entity in Nigeria. Additionally, Lagos, Nigeria’s most populous city, will soon be receiving its first BlackBerry retail store. These expansions, in addition to its recently-announced outreach to Nigerian educational institutions clearly indicate the importance of the African market to RIM.
Though we – or at least I – tend to think that the future of RIM hinges solely on the reception of BlackBerry 10 in the world’s largest markets, it’s irresponsible to overlook BlackBerry’s popularity in some locations worldwide. By reaching out to emerging markets, RIM puts itself in position to be embraced by multitudes of new smartphone users. And, despite the USA’s current opinion of BlackBerry products, that’s certainly a good thing.
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Posted by Shlomo for ©BerryReview, September 28, 2012, 7:54 pm. | RIM’s Nigerian Focus | One comment |
Переслать - BlackBerry 10 Jam Americas: Shifting the Tides
Prior to BB10 Jam Americas, I had been feeling more discouraged about the future of BlackBerry. Back 9 months ago, after purchasing a 9900, and after recently having my first big app success on App World, I was extremely bullish about RIM. I wrote an article for BerryReview entitled RIM: Perception VS Reality where I contrasted how the media was constantly slamming RIM as compared with my fantastic experiences with their new 9900 offering. My conclusion was that, for me, the 9900 was an extremely competitive product, and it turned on its head for me the notion that RIM’s latest handsets were dinosaurs compared to the competition.
Going to BB Jam in Orlando was another high point in my bullishness for RIM. The $10K developer commitment was incredible, and depending on the details, it might have meant a real shot at earning another $100K to $200K for a developer like me. The Cascades framework looked incredible, and I was in awe of the 60 fps they were acheiving, paired with the gorgeous and industry leading 1280×768 screen. I was also very impressed by how RIM was able to leverage TAT to infuse BB10′s UI with world class design.
Since the conference, there have been many discouragements and not as many encouragements.
To be honest, some of my key discouragements have been personal, which I should obviously separate from BlackBerry’s future. To start, after spending 150 hours creating and working out kinks on my Flix app, the response has been mixed, but many people have slammed the app as being silly and worthless with its restriction of only working at home, etc. While I disagree, it doesn’t feel great to be panned by users, especially when I was so excited working on it that it would be received well by the community. As an example, my brief chat with Alec Saunders (meeting him for the first time) at BB Jam in Orlando was not exactly inspirational. I think his comment was that he could see how some users might want to do that. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate his honesty, and who knows, perhaps RIM’s internal perception of the app was mixed. Maybe they were even unhappy about it. On the technical side, it has also been frustrating that the PlayBook NDK doesn’t support the WebView control, requiring a separate helper app to adequately select which movie you want to watch. Ugly. It will be many months yet before RIM catches up on the PlayBook to support Cascades, which includes a WebView control.
It was wonderful to be off of work June/July/August with my wife on parental leave following the birth of our second child. I knew life would be busy, but I also figured there would be some good chunks of time to do BB app development. It was pretty disappointing seeing August come to a close and still not being done porting my first super-simple Baby Names app to BB10. (Which took 13 hours to create for PlayBook, and likewise 13 hours for BB phones) I wrote an article about the pain points that there were using the beta SDK tools, but again part of this was personal: I just hadn’t been successful finding the time and energy to overcome these hurdles. Part of this was paying for my earlier success: I was struggling to keep up to support emails, and was frequently burried in 100+ support requests. Keeping up was eating most of the time I would otherwise have for new development.
Some more unfortunate news recently is that the 10K developer commitment is limited to 1 app. That turns the 10K commitment from being a possibly huge economic opportunity for me to basically a non-event, since my top apps will almost certainly earn more than 10K in their first year.
Aside from not finding time, I have also been lacking some passion on the BB10 dev front. Most of this relates to getting stuck on pain points as mentioned above (which, with the awesome help of developer relations I am past), but part of this too is being uninspired by the PlayBook OS they slapped on the Dev Alpha. Having almost 0 first party apps on the device makes sense from the perspective of “you build it”, but it has a strangely demotivating affect turning on a device with no first party apps to inspire, and no inspiring UI to play with.
Besides these personal dev downers, it has been harder than I thought watching RIM struggle with its quarterly results. What is strange about this is that I knew it was going to happen, and wasn’t really phased by it, but to actually see it happen, and seeing the stock so much lower than I ever could have imagined is a tough pill to swallow. It has also been rattling to see personal friends leave RIM, and hear of others that have been let go. Again, we knew this was coming, and so I’m not sure why the reality of it is harder to take than I thought.
Finally, I have increasingly felt that while I am a big fan and supporter of BlackBerry, I don’t want to be ignorant to the dominant North American platforms, so I’ve decided to also own an iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S III. I want to understand how those platforms execute various use cases, what their experience is like, and what their top apps are like. Having owned an SIII for a month or two now, it is more apparent to me some of the shiny aspects of these impressive phones, and it’s not difficult to see how they are appealing so much to North American users. Following on the heels of that, these past two weeks I have started to read smartphone reviews on CNET and other sites that don’t even list BB as one of the choices. In one Internet comment I read, someone quoted BB’s North American market share as being down to 1 percent. Is that true?
As you can see, going into BB Jam Americas, I’ve been discouraged. Not without hope, far from it, but definitely discouraged!
I was extremely surprised to hear that RIM was upgrading the Dev Alpha OS to include the core BB10 UI, including the keyboard. Having downloaded it, it is a huge breath of fresh air. It is a complete reversal for me, from being uninspired with the modified PB UI, to being very inspired by the BB10 UI. When I had lemented about the Dev Alpha being so empty to other devs in the past, we both agreed that RIM probably wouldn’t do this since they want to make a big splash with BB10′s release. But they have, and I’m so glad they did. It has been fantastic exploring the OS, such as the settings screen, and seeing how RIM has used Cascades to create their core UIs. It has also generated some solidly good press for RIM, which I think they badly need given the long wait for BB10. For example, it is awesome to read The Verge reporting that BB10 looks to be a solid OS, and even the comments to the article are encouraging and much less negative than usual.
Having the full API set now is also a breath of fresh air. Working with a beta SDK was more painful than I thought, so seeing the tools and API mature is very welcome and energizing.
All in all, the Dev Alpha is at a place now where it is much more emotionally aluring to develop for than it was in August, which is precisely what RIM needed to accomplish with BB Jam Americas. Well done!
Another solid encouragement this week were RIM’s quarterly earnings. Again, I was expecting them to be really, really bad. But I was wrong. Most encouraging is that RIM’s cash pile isn’t vaporizing, but is actually higher. And this means that RIM only needs to “hang on” for one more quaterly release before they can shift gears to BB10. At this point, I’m very confident they can do that.
My remaining insecurity is whether BB10 will have apps like Netflix and Skype at launch, or closely following launch. That was the part of BB Jam Americas that I found underwhelming: They started into that part of the presentation saying they have all sorts of huge names behind BB10, and then unveil a list that doesn’t contain any of the huge names people are anxious about. (on the apps front to be specific — they seem to be doing great on the games front) The hope I’m clinging to is that they clarified this list is only those partners that were willing to be listed, and that they’re working with many other “huge” companies. I will choose to be optimistic. But it will be a huge sigh of relief if and when they are able to announce that they will in fact have many of the massive apps that everyone and their dog expects. With everything else looking so solid, perhaps it’s even the last piece to the puzzle.
If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
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- Going to BlackBerry Jam Americas? Suggest a Topic for Unconference Day
- Register Now For BlackBerry Jam Americas In San Jose September 25-27
Posted by danielb for ©BerryReview, September 28, 2012, 1:14 pm. | BlackBerry 10 Jam Americas: Shifting the Tides | 44 comments |
Переслать - BlackBerry 10 OS Tutorial Videos Find Their Way to YouTube
It seems like BlackBerry 10 just doesn't want to stay secret anymore. The latest leak comes from BlackBerryItalia (via BBIN) showing off the tutorial videos for BlackBerry 10 on video. There is nothing groundbreaking here but it is some nice explanation of how the device works. Let us know if you spot anything interesting! (This is a video of a video so the quality is a bit off)
Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link
Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link
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Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, September 28, 2012, 1:07 pm. | BlackBerry 10 OS Tutorial Videos Find Their Way to YouTube | One comment |
Переслать - What Did You Think of BlackBerry Jam Americas 2012? Let Us Know!
I sadly did not get to attend BlackBerry Jam Americas this year but the feedback I have been getting from the event is impressive. Tim was roaming the floors of BlackBerry Jam and he told me the excitement was in the air and people were "Believing." Many were afraid that RIM might be running out out runway to launch BlackBerry 10 in 3-4 months but they appeased that by showing a still growing subscriber base and $2.3 billion cash in the bank.
I am curious what you thought of BlackBerry Jam Americas whether you were there or you were watching from the sidelines like me. Let us know in the comments or simply shoot me an email at ronen(at)
PS: I just had to use Bluto to explain how I feel about BlackBerry 10: "Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over till we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!!!"
If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
- BlackBerry Jam Americas 2012 Mobile Guide Now Available
- RIM Enticing Enterprise Developers to Attend BlackBerry Jam Americas 2012
- RIM Offers Dev Alpha Owners Free Passes to BlackBerry Jam Americas 2012
- RIM Giving Arduino Uno Boards to Devs @ BlackBerry Jam Americas
- Register Now For BlackBerry Jam Americas In San Jose September 25-27
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, September 28, 2012, 12:28 pm. | What Did You Think of BlackBerry Jam Americas 2012? Let Us Know! | 9 comments |
Переслать - Alec Saunders Gives A Heartfelt Ending to BlackBerry Jam
It was amazing to feel the developer excitement coming out of BlackBerry Jam Americas this week. The thing I kept hearing over and over again was that it "looks like RIM might be able to pull this off!" RIM has capitalized on this sentiment with their #BB10Believe and reasons to believe campaign. If you were at the Keynote during the first BlackBerry 10 Jam in Orlando you may remember Alec Saunders & Chris Smith (RIM development execs) busting out some Tom Petty about how the "Waiting is the hardest part." I thought it was apropos for them to follow up at BlackBerry Jam Americas this week with a promise to "Keep on Loving" developers as they finalized and updated many of the BlackBerry 10 development toolsets.
It is pretty amazing the change Alec Saunders and RIM's whole development team have been able to make at RIM and the BlackBerry developer community in the last year. Some of the mainstream media did not understand this and took this latest music video totally out of context. That is why I was glad to see Alec Saunders post a heartfelt final note on the BlackBerry DevBlog about BlackBerry Jam. It is definitely worth a read.
Kudos to the BlackBerry Dev team and everyone involved for pulling off this transformation at RIM.
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Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, September 28, 2012, 12:14 pm. | Alec Saunders Gives A Heartfelt Ending to BlackBerry Jam | 3 comments |
Переслать - BlackBerry 10 Laguna Rumored Spec Sheet Leaks Out
We have been hearing about the L-Series London device for awhile now but now we may have more details on the CDMA counterpart. Jason sent me a link to a leaked spec sheet procured by RapidBerry (Anyone familiar with RapidBerry?) for the BlackBerry 10 Laguna. The specs seem to jive well with what we have been hearing so far so there is a good chance it is legit.
The specs point again to a dual core snapdragon processor (Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8960) in the 1.5Ghz to 1.7Ghz range. 1GB of RAM is on par with the PlayBook and its nice to see the autofocus option by the 8MP camera. It also calls out Wi-Fi direct support along with a 4.2" 1280×768 pixel 355dpi screen.
Check it out and let us know what you think!
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Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, September 28, 2012, 11:34 am. | BlackBerry 10 Laguna Rumored Spec Sheet Leaks Out | 14 comments |
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